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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

General Loses a Three-Star Promotion for Supposedly Calling Dem Congressional Staffer ‘Sweetheart’

This is just bitingly stupid. The US Army in all its wisdom has decided to yank the promotion of Maj. Gen. Ryan Gonsalves. Why? Because he called a female congressional staffer ‘sweetheart’. The horror! Off with his freaking head!! SMH. The general was up for a third star, but no more. I’m surprised they didn’t court martial the poor guy. This evidently violated the Army Command Policy’s rule on “dignity and respect.” You’ve got to be kidding me. This is not the Army I recognize. They’ve taken political correctness into the Stratosphere.

Check it out… some coward, who remains anonymous, filed a complaint to the Army Inspector General on July 20. Doesn’t the general have a right to face his accusers? Not so much it would seem. The exchange reportedly happened at an October 2016 meeting at Fort Carson, Colorado. I’m sure the poor dear woman is still recovering from this wicked assault. According to the IG’s findings, Gonsalves picked on the staffer, who worked for Rep. Jim Langevin (D-RI 2nd district). He allegedly asked her about her age and told her to take notes “since she was a Democrat and did not believe in funding the military,” said the IG report. Why do I seriously doubt he actually said that? Even if he did, he has a right to his opinion and he did not abuse the woman. But again, I don’t think he did. Gonsalves didn’t rise to this level in the military just to do something that dumb that would leave him open to attack.



  1. General officer candidates get sent to 'charm school'. He already had two stars so he'd been there.

    Assuming the stafferette was a smart ass know-it-all, she was still employed by a congresscritter. So it was bad form for the general to be snarky.

    Bad enough to lose a promotion? Not to you or me, but obviously bad enough in the eyes of the Pentagon to cap his career. And this happened while Zero was still lounging at the White House, so if Hillary had prevailed he might have been fired outright.

    1. Or Oprah. 9 or 10 months later and she realizes she was assaulted? Anonymous report, how convenient eh?

  2. Flat out - not professional behavior, and not an acceptable way to address a coworker. Your family member or friend? Sure... but not a coworker. If the General can't get this right, then he does not have the judgement to handle those extra stars.

  3. Can I sue anybody for all those people West of the Bay that call me Hon?


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