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Monday, January 01, 2018

Four NFL coaches fired following 2018’s final regular season games

It’s Black Monday for coaches in the National Football League.

The bloodletting began as soon as the final whistle of the 2017 NFL regular season Sunday night, and continued through Monday, the traditional day the league's 32 teams axe underachieving head coaches.

The Oakland Raiders' Jack Del Rio and the Indianapolis Colts' Chuck Pagano were canned on Sunday, in what proved to be a prelude to pink slips.

The Detroit Lions were the first to make a move Monday morning, firing Coach Jim Caldwell, after his four-year run in Ford Field. Caldwell led the Lions to three winning records in his four seasons, but ultimately fell short. Under his tenure, the Lions went 36-28 during the regular season but 0-2 in the playoffs.



  1. More coaches and players should be fired for letting those players take knees and showing the blatant disrespect and causing the owners to lose money...but it all starts with the owners bellying up and putting a stop to it....Screw em all, well not all of em, some do try to do the right thing but most of em that condone the behavior deserve what they get. Let the dummies go broke. No NFL for ME! Sorry not missing it!

  2. Some owners will be putting their teams for sale this year and also asking there elected officials for handouts.

  3. In a few years,Vince will take over most NFL teams and all of the silliness will end.

  4. Too bad John Harbaugh is not one of them. His Ravens always play down to the level of their competition.

  5. John Harbaugh absolutely needs to go, that team sucks

  6. How does the Browns Hue Jackson keep his job ???

  7. what level of play is considered ok for a bunch of felons like the ravens? seem's to me the ahole coach is a perfect fit. actually should invite his even bigger ahole brother over!

  8. Blah blah blah blah. Everyone is a couch expert. Have been hearing these complaints from you fat couch surfers for years. Negativity is an easy virtue. Try offering some positive criticism for once. It's very much like a comedian who uses vulgar language in his or her skit. It's the EASY way. It takes much more thought and talent to be a successful comedian with clean language only.

  9. 813 r u talking about good ole bill cosby?


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