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Saturday, January 20, 2018

Former Secret Service Agent: FISA Memo Will 'Destroy Image of Benevolent Obama'

“The real Obama, the vengeful narcissist, is going to be exposed”

A former Secret Service agent who worked under Obama has declared that the details contained within the reportedly shocking classified FISA abuse memo will completely rewrite the legacy of the former President.

The memo is circulating on Capitol Hill, and is described by those who have seen it as so devastating that it could end special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe instantaneously.

In essence, the memo names and shames those who have sought to deliberately undermine and obstruct Trump’s Presidency, by using underhanded and possibly even illegal tactics.

Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino has intimated that one of those individuals is Barack Obama.

“Take it to the bank, the FBI/FISA docs are devastating for the Dems. The whole image of a benevolent Barack Obama they’ve disingenuously tried to portray is about to be destroyed. The real Obama, the vengeful narcissist, is going to be exposed for all to see,” Bongino tweeted.



  1. Does anyone think that the government will eat their own? Not going to happen. Hillary ain't going to jail, BO ain't going to be shamed, and nobody is going to be hurt. Anybody that thinks the government is going to eat one of their own is delusional. The government is worse than the Mafia when it comes to omerta.

  2. Never going to happen. This is just like the "Hillary will be in jail" crap. No one has the balls to do any of this. Just another feel good story.

  3. Hope the whole Democrat party crashes.

  4. The process to release the memo will take 19 Congressional working days evidently so stay tuned.

  5. More likely some in the FBI will resign, BO's legacy will be ruined, HRC will not be jailed but will disappear from public and the DNC will totally self destruct. Hopefully a new political party will form with interests that are more in line with Constitutional principles.

  6. Two Sets of Laws.

    Having fun yet?

  7. Joe, tried two to respond to this article and was shut down twice. This is my last try. If it does not go through, I will call you. Message: Maryland had two chances to be represented by Dan Bongino. Once for a congressional seat and once for senate. To bad. He was honest enough to resign his position as secret service agent for obama. Was not sure he could do his job to protect obama.

  8. Maryland had two chances for Dan Bongino to represent them. Once for congressional seat and once for senate. To bad. Honest enough to leave his post as secret service agent. Want to know why?

    1. Thanks for clarifying why I was having such a hard time getting through to your site. Big brother is watching. Thanks for ALL you do, and pray you can continue with that that word "TRUTH"

  9. Clicked the link - saw "info wars" - closed link.

    This article brought to you by: Government weather weapons, Lizard people, and buy my supplements cause they are totes legit.


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