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Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Former Obama Advisers Tell Trump to ‘Be Quiet’ on Iran Protests

Several key advisers to former President Barack Obama have poured scorn on President Donald Trump’s support for the protests sweeping Iran in recent days.

In 2009, when the “Green Revolution” threatened the Iranian regime, Obama and his administration refrained from supporting the protests. Obama said that “we respect Iranian sovereignty and want to avoid the United States being the issue inside of Iran.”

That weak response, and the administration’s general lack of support for the demonstrators, allowed the regime to consolidate power.

Obama was more concerned with preserving the possibility of an eventual deal on Iran’s nuclear program than he was in removing the Iranian regime as a strategic threat or in standing up for human rights. Critics charge that Obama missed a golden opportunity.

Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice tweeted a New York Times op-ed by former Obama aide Philip Gordon, “How Can Trump Help Iran’s Protesters? Be Quiet.”

More shilling for the mullahs here..


  1. What I have been continuously amazed by is the number of past admin's advisors, members and supporters still in positions to keep spouting their nonsense. Why haven't they been banished to Cleveland or Chicago or something?

    We don't want to see or hear from any of them ever again. Obammy and his muslim supporting traitors can go to allah's abode which is in hell.

  2. Obummer needs to own up to the fact that he was a disaster as a President.

  3. Obama's failed policies and weakening of our military and economy are what allowed the world to become such a mess as it is today. Any advice they have should be ignored.

  4. My tweet to Susie... Trump is in ..you are out. #STFU

  5. Sure 729. Obama "weakened" the military. It wasnt the 100's of billions of dollars, thousands of dead servicemen and women + 100's of thousands injured chasing shadows in Iraq while the real enemy was next door.

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