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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Fired Newspaper Editor Shows How To Save America

If America is to be healed of its ills it’s going to take people challenging leftist absurdities in public, even if they suffer for doing so.

Denis Finley, recently the executive editor of The Burlington Free Press in Vermont, did just that. He got fired for it last week by Gannett Company, the national corporation that owns the newspaper.

How’d it happen?

Earlier this month Finley came upon a tweet praising a proposal in Vermont to create a “third gender” for Vermont driver’s licenses as “awesome.”

Three tweets later, he was out of a job. Here they are:

“Awesome! That makes us one step closer to the apocalypse.”

One “third gender” supporter said he likes the driver’s license idea because it provides “recognition.”

Finley responded:

“All recognition? Any recognition, Tim? What if someone said it’s awesome they are going to recognize pedophiliacs on licenses? I’m not being snarky, I’m just asking. Not all recognition is awesome.”

Then someone asked if Finley thinks the world is coming to an end, since he used the word “apocalypse.”



  1. "..If America is to be healed of its ills it’s going to take people challenging leftist absurdities in public, even if they suffer for doing so.."

    This is the absolute truth and needs to be the main game plan. Call them out. Ridicule their foolishness. Make them OWN it.

    Who's got the guts to do it? They will call you names.. :-)

  2. reality = xx or xy
    settled science

  3. Brought to by the same people that run the Daily Times.


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