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Thursday, January 11, 2018

FCC Chief Pai Receiving Death Threats Over Net Neutrality

Federal Communications Commission Ajit Pai has been hounded by critics for months over the repeal of net neutrality rules —but the pressure has taken an alarming turn recently with death threats, reports say.

According to The Wall Street Journal, protesters from the far-left group Popular Resistance poured onto the Arlington, Virginia, street where Pai lives last May, placing pamphlets with his face on his neighbors' front doors.

"Have you seen this man?" the flyers ask, stating that Pai —"Age 44 / Height 6'1" / Weight 200"— is "trying to destroy net neutrality." The activist described the picketing as "Ajit-ation."

"They were there yesterday," Pai told the newspaper at the time. "I understand they'll be there today. They'll be there tomorrow and the day after. It's a hassle, especially for my wife and my two young children."

The activists, he told the outlet, "come up to our front windows and take photographs of the inside of the house. My kids are 5 and 3. It's not pleasant."

Pai called for an end to the cruel crusade in November, the Daily Signal reported.


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