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Monday, January 15, 2018

FBI Probe Into Russian Uranium Bribes Concealed By Obama DOJ; Mueller, McCabe, Rosenstein Involved

Friday's 11-count indictment of former uranium transportation company executive, Mark Lambert, was the latest in a series of DOJ prosecutions involving individuals linked to the Russian nuclear industry and the Uranium One deal.

According to the indictment, Lambert and others at Transport Logistics International (TLI) engaged in several counts of bribery, kickbacks and money laundering with Russian nuclear official Vadim Mikerin, in order to secure business advantages with TENEX - a subsidiary of Rosatom, the Kremlin's state-owned energy company which bought Uranium One.

TLI would have ostensibly transported all of the uranium from the U1 deal, were it not for an FBI undercover mole buried deep within the Russian nuclear industry who gathered extensive evidence of corruption.

What many don't realize is that Lambert's Friday indictment is not the first linked to the Uranium One deal.

In fact, Robert Mueller's FBI had been investigating the scheme since at least 2008 - with retiring Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe assigned to the ongoing investigation which was hidden from the Committee on Foreign Investments in the Untid States (CFIUS). Had they known, the committee never would have approved the Uranium One deal with TENEX's parent company, Rosatom.

Four individuals were eventually prosecuted and given plea agreements after the Uranium One deal was approved. The prosecuting DOJ attorneys? Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and top Mueller investigator in the Trump-Russia probe, Andrew Weissman - who praised former acting Attorney General Sally Yates for defying Trump.

Unsurprisingly, all four indicted individuals were handed extremely light sentences, none of which made headlines.

The judge? Theodore Chuang - an Obama appointee who went to Harvard Law at the same time as Obama, advised Hillary Clinton as "Counselor on detail to the United States Department of State," and just so happened to strike down Trump's "Travel Ban" Executive Order. Chuang's wife, Jacinta Ma served as a senior policy advisor to Michelle Obama.

Independent researcher Imperator Rex has neatly tied it all together for your edification on Twitter:


1 comment:

  1. Biggest corruption case of my life time and you see nothing from mainstream media. However things are getting put in panic mode because now they are screaming racist over and over. The past 10 years I learned when the left does this it usually means one of their buddy's is going to jail and they are worried who's next. MEGA


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