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Saturday, January 13, 2018

Education Professor Praises Laziness

Applying critical theory, leftists tear down everything that is noble and worthy of respect. Economic accomplishment is denounced as “greed” or “privilege.” War heroes are psychopaths or suckers. Great historical figures including the Founding Fathers are bigots. The awesome heritage of Western Civilization is trashed in favor of dysfunctional Third World savagery. After the old virtues that heritage rests on have been swept aside, they will be replaced by new, progressive virtues — like laziness:

Prof. Ryan Evely Gildersleeve, whose background is “primarily out-of-classroom learning contexts with non-dominant youth,” argues today in the research journal Qualitative Inquiry that “lazy practices can become useful for postqualitative inquiry that seeks to disrupt normative explanations of the world.”

Gildersleeve is Chairmoonbat of Higher Education at the University of Denver. He intones:

“As political action, laziness, then provides postqualitative inquiry with an additional tool for contributing to social justice via social research. Laziness combats the neoliberal condition in which academic research is situated and might serve as a virtue of postqualitative inquiry.”

As we have learned, “neoliberal” is a pejorative among academics, who use the term to denounce personal responsibility and individual liberty.



  1. Does he speak English as well? I'd like to hear what he has to say...

  2. When will these people awake from the grips of satan? What they preach is a religion you know. A religion of demonic ideals, deceptive practices, lies and non truths. This is what we as a people have allowed to be sown. We are reaping the results of decades neglect. We are allowing them to separate us, create diversity, Hostility, jealousy, animosity. Classic satanic tactics, adopted and being used on us today. It surronds us in almost every facet of society. We are bombared to accept all kinds of insanities against GOD. So Who'really running the show here?
    I believe computers/technology and this recent election has awakened many from slumber. This president is an attempt to thwart this army of zealots from hell. We are witnessing the throngs of agony and pain as they are exposed. But yet they will continue to use deception lies division hatred to fight the ulitimate TRUTH. It because God's way for them is not possible. They are lost to the darkness. So Ignore this garbage and fight to reveal the truth and the word of the bible. I'm just concerned for the children's whose ears will be exposed to this pile garbage and lies. For me when words like these from guys of his ilk are spoken. They remove all doubt and it gets easier to weed out the GOOD from the GODLESS?

  3. Well if laziness is a postqualitative ......is that a real word spell check ain't working on that one....anyway laziness...we will have some Nobel Prize winners around here.


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