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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

‘Dreamers’ Storm Schumer’s New York City Home, Demand Amnesty ‘Now’

Dozens of illegal aliens surrounded Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) home in New York on Tuesday demanding that Congress pass legislation immediately to give millions of people in the United States illegally amnesty and a pathway to citizenship.

“We want a Clean Dream Act,” the crowd chanted.

“When do we want it?” they chanted.

“Now!” they chanted.

The crowd chanted in Spanish and English to Schumer; “If he won’t let us dream, we won’t let him sleep.”

The group that organized the protests in New York and on Capitol Hill, United We Dream, is funded by a slew of social justice and open borders organizations, including George Soros’s Open Society Foundation.

More here


  1. The best I would ever allow them is to stay...can't bring anybody else (no more chain migration), you can never become a citizen, and you can never vote! Or, you can get in line behind everyone that is trying to come here legally.

    Then we build the wall and come up with a federal voterID requirement - like they have in Mexico!

    These are my ideas for immigration reform!

  2. AFTER they serve their sentences for violating the law, I'm willing go listen to what they have to say. I'm sure they would give me the same break.

  3. If he really had a commitment to these people he'd open his front door and invite them in.

  4. Shumer, Yes,,! Now ^^YOU** see you know ILL eagles.,,! They demand demand!! They are ill eagles (*GO HOME*)) this is ":their:^ plan!! DemoCraTs need ill eagle VOTES!!

  5. Shoulda called ice dept asap and bet hed get some sleep just saying but if i were really an a.. id blast the national anthem high as hell and whatch em get more pissed lol

  6. Chuck's not home. He's at one of his other four places.

  7. Deport them ALL plus SHumer & Pelosi !!!!

  8. Schumer is a Sceeemer !!! and a Dreamer !!!!

  9. I bet the neighbors love it.

  10. Couldn't happen to a more deserving person, they also wouldn't let Pelosi speak either...the tape of her is hilarious!

  11. Law breakers protesting outside a law makers home, and no one does anything about it? Only in America.

  12. This is where ICE should have done their jobs. Lock them up, they are criminals.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Deport them ALL plus SHumer & Pelosi !!!!

    January 24, 2018 at 7:33 PM

    I get sick and tired of hearing "deport them," "deport them." What part of illegal aliens don't you dumb morons understand? They have committed a crime, they are criminals so they have to do the the time and it should be hard time. Then deport them.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Law breakers protesting outside a law makers home, and no one does anything about it? Only in America.

    January 25, 2018 at 5:35 PM

    That is exactly what I was thinking.


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