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Thursday, January 04, 2018

Drawing names Yancey winner in disputed 94th House District

WASHINGTON — Republican David Yancey won a drawing to break a tie in the disputed 94th District race in Newport News Thursday however his opponent is expected to challenge the decision, possibly seeking yet another recount.

Control of the House of Delegates is at stake. A win by Yancey in the race would give Republicans enough votes to lead the chamber and decide what legislation makes it to the floor for a vote.

Simonds said that she may seek a second recount, a contest in the House of Delegates or “other legal options.”

Yancey did not make it to Richmond in time for the 11 a.m. drawing, delayed by heavy snow in Newport News, elections officials said.

The candidates’ names were written on slips of paper and placed in black film canisters, which election officials said were ordered fresh from Amazon for the occasion.



  1. Oh the times we live in. Hopefully the legislature's 1st order of business is coming up with a solution so this never ever happens again!

    Bass ackwards state!

  2. Let’s see how this works --- you enter a contest knowing the rules beforehand. You and your opponent both follow the rules. You lose, so now you want to change the rules. Sounds like a snowflake to me.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Oh the times we live in. Hopefully the legislature's 1st order of business is coming up with a solution so this never ever happens again!

    Bass ackwards state!

    January 4, 2018 at 1:58 PM

    What would be your "Bass ackwards" solution!! A tie is a tie.

  4. Just Thankful the republican won!


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