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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Does Our Country Have To Be A Profanity-hole?

As I write this my inbox is filled with email newsletters using in the subject line a vulgar word that refers to bodily waste. They come from mainstream news organizations, many of which are using the word in stories, columns, and even headlines. (If you missed it, the second half of the word is “hole.” Figure out the rest for yourself.)

The justification for this is the supposedly horrible thing that President Donald Trump reportedly said during an apparently unrecorded discussion Thursday with other prominent politicians about certain nations of the world sending their citizens to this country.

The substance of Trump’s point and the reaction to it are important matters, perhaps for another column.

But here’s another important matter:

When did it become O.K. to use profanities in news stories?



  1. They aren't "news" stories and they ain't "reporters".

  2. Suck it up buttercup it’s not a pc world any more

  3. Since it is common place in public and on TV. Children as young as 5 running around Walmart screaming curse words at the top of their lungs.

  4. The radical left propaganda machine. 90 percent of these talking heads are multi millionaires. Making 500 and 600k a month to insult 62 million people everyday over and over.

  5. Absolutely right. Between people using the word sh1t and women running around with their ankles showing...what has this world come to?

    Get a grip cupcake.

  6. I have been to many African countries and they drop a load of feces right there in the street! Our President said the truth, those people are what we don't need in America. Our president loves this country and only wants the best for it. This is what pisses off the rest of the world. God Bless Pres. Trump.

    1. You f’ing hypocrite! Isn’t America a Melting pot of races? So you’re saying immigrants are welcome as long as they’re clean and white?

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Suck it up buttercup it’s not a pc world any more

    January 17, 2018 at 7:53 AM

    I agree. Such hypocritical bushcrap. They think by not publishing it, it negates the word being used every day in conversations? Or that by not "exposing" this and other words, they are somehow morally superior or protecting people from themselves?

    There WAS a time when this was a good practice, more than 50 years ago, but few care nowadays.


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