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Thursday, January 18, 2018

'Deplorable Vet' Offers to Take Maxine Waters' SOTU Seat

An African-American veteran has offered to take Rep. Maxine Waters' (D-Calif.) seat at President Trump's first State of the Union address later this month.

Waters is one of several Democrat lawmakers who are skipping the event, telling MSNBC last week that Trump is "the most despicable human being that could possibly ever walk the earth."

"Why would I take my time to go and sit and listen to a liar? ... He doesn't deserve my attention," Waters said.

Ricky Taylor, a ten-year Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan, started going viral after he tweeted that he would like Waters' seat, so he can attend the State of the Union and thank the president.

He said he takes issue with how Waters tries to speak for all black people and minorities.

"There's so many Trump supporters out there that are minorities," Taylor said. "She doesn't speak for everybody, she surely doesn't speak for me."



  1. Didnt maxine listen to corey Booker? When the President speaks you are to remember what be said verbatim. Come on maxine, get with the program.


  2. Collective IQ of the assembled senators and representatives at State of the Union will increase with boycott by Mad Maxine and some of her loud mouth, low brain buddies.


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