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Monday, January 15, 2018

DACA Amnesty Restarts Under Judge’s Order, But Appeal Expected

The Department of Homeland Security says it will follow a judge’s order to restart the President Barack Obama’s ‘DACA’ amnesty and will renew work-permits given to 15,000 illegal immigrants.

The statement was released late Saturday night, but the statement did not say if the 15,000 ‘DACA’ illegals whose work permits have expired since September will actually get renewed permits before the administration’s lawyers can get through the legal process needed before the Supreme Court can countermand the judge’s order.

To block the judge’s order, the administration first must file an appeal with the California-based Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The appeals court is expected to support the judge and reject the administration’s appeal. Once the appeal is denied, White House lawyers can ask the nine-member Supreme Court to countermand the orders from the appeals court and the subordinate judge.

According to the agency:

Jan. 13, 2018, Update: Due to a federal court order, USCIS has resumed accepting requests to renew a grant of deferred action under DACA. Until further notice, and unless otherwise provided in this guidance, the DACA policy will be operated on the terms in place before it was rescinded on Sept. 5, 2017.

The declaration may give Democrats the political opportunity to back away from their unpopular threat to shut down the federal government’s 2018 budget unless the GOP Congress and President Donald Trump provide citizenship to at least 3.25 million illegals — and also to millions of chain-migration relatives.



  1. Stupid activist judges. DACA was never a law only a policy. As a result no court has any say in whether the illegal immigrants stay or go.

  2. It's a program which expired, I don't understand how these liberal judges feel it is in their power to set policy and extend any programme, policy or executive order they feel is wrong. This is not what are courts were meant to do. They are meant to settle legal issues and not set, countermand any policy or program the govt feels is in the best interest of the people. It is not their job!


  3. It's the Ninth Circuit which is filled with judges who make it up according to their feelings and which way their lava lamp is moving. They then uphold in their Appeals group and get overturned by the Supremes a high proportion. It's just a delaying tactic by the Prog/Socialist/Democrat types.

  4. President Trump needs to do what Pres. Lincoln did, Jail all of the judges in the 9th. court.

  5. President in Charge / Not these Judges

    They are Overstepping their Authority & it should be Illegal

    Every Damn time the POTUS does anything , they Stop it !!!

    3 Branches of Gov Power does Not include Hundreds of Judges

  6. I thought they said it was illegal for obama to start that daca program. So how can a judge start something that is illegal? That makes him subject to arrest.


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