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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Clinton Foundation Uses Unseen Transactions for Influence Peddling

Huge, unregulated transnational charities provide unique cover for moving money and other considerations as illegal favors...

A friend of mine, Peter Wing, once actually hid an elephant in plain sight at the castle he built with his bare hands from reclaimed materials near Millbrook, New York.

The evolution of the Clinton Foundation since Oct. 23, 1997, proves that gigantic frauds, spread across the globe under the harsh glare of public attention and in the media, are tough to grasp - and tougher still to police.

Who would imagine, for example, that a former president, an aspiring president and a highly educated only child would work together, purposefully gaming controls at supposed “charities,” produce false and misleading public filings, and do so for more than two decades using a bevy of outside professional advisers and world-renowned directors?



  1. My backside hurts from being Clintoned so often and for so long. I know that I'm not alone.

    There has to be a cure.

  2. Maybe there should be a class action suit for Clinton-induced PTSD sufferers.

  3. The Foundation should be Shut down by the Govt !!!


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