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Thursday, January 11, 2018

City of Salisbury Maryland, Look What Your Fines Purchased!


  1. Another toy; suppose they can crew it with staff nominally assigned to fahr boat.

  2. Does anyone really use the sidewalks for walking anymore? Probably not many because it's not safe- not because of snow and ice, but you may get shot or mugged.

  3. Then the City should be clearing all sidewalks and let this track machine pay for its self. Not just for City property / sidewalks. Where this picture is taken, is this not where inmates are used?

  4. Monday there were snow plows up on Rt 13 North plowing Rt 13 which was already CLEAR,they keep doing that but don't clear the 2ndary streets! First mayor to not take care of things in a timely manner, and the above apparatus isn't going to do the job. Everyone make sure you get a copy of THE REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY - WIC. ROTARY CLUB AND MAKE SURE YOU READ THE PAGE 8 WHERE THE MAYOR GIVES HIMSELF A BIG PAT ON THE BACK. He states he has accomplished his 2016 list of plans and not a single item is LEFT UNDONE!!!!!!!!!

  5. "That's a significant improvement over the last decade, and it meant our best year since 2013."-City of Salisbury MD, Jake's circle jerk.

    Jake the Snake can't add/subtract or get a job without his Daddy!

  6. Hunter's Crest isn't even in Salisbury lol, Jake's a moron!

  7. I saw it operating with a snow blower on the front. Better job than the blade


  8. What I saw seemed to be limited to pushing the snow forward, perhaps with the ability to move blade left or right a bit. Once it reaches the end of the sidewalk what will happen to snow being pushed? Guessing it ends in the street, which will give Jake a conniption. Unless city maladministration exempts itself from what it requires of residents.

    IMHO, the city needs to be an exemplar for maintaining public spaces before putting the screws to residents on like items. It's called leading by example. Jake must have been doodling roundabouts when they covered leadership at OCS.

  9. What has happened to the little blue things in the street that were to help designate where fire hydrants were in the city. Wasn't this to have been soooo important, and cost so many man hours to put down, were they shoveled away !!!!! Oh No say it isn't so Jake.

  10. Another expensive piece of equipment that will be purchased, maintained, stored at the taxpayers expense and will end up getting used once a year.

  11. Or sold to Gillis-Gilkerson in 6 months for $20.

  12. What ever happened to the volunteers that left the city? Were they out shoveling sidewalks of the citizens they want to serve.

  13. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚is that all you people know how to do???? You elected the officials in your government....he’ll you keep putting idiots like Mathias back in office...why cry....all you do is repeat the same stupid mistakes...there is nothing on the shore to keep a anyone....you born here’s get exactly what you deserve....just sign me a come here who took a good long..10+years and left...The whole shore while beautiful...is a joke...


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