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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

CEO: Watch Fox? You’re An Idiot. Now Give Me Your Money.

As a marketer and guy who worked in the media for years … there’s nothing more cringe-worthy than watching a company collapse in a PR nightmare of its own making.

Of course, there’s also that little part of me that enjoys it in a sick and twisted way.

The latest? A company called “SCOTTeVEST.”

The company’s CEO announced on LinkedIn last week (drunken post?) that if you watch Fox News, you’re a “f—— idiot” that he likes getting rich off of. He also said you are extremely gullible and that makes you easy to sell to.



  1. Yes well unfortunately the 1st amendment applies to drunken fools as well....sadly.

    1. The point it to sell to everyone not just radical liberals who don't work. He is in trouble just have money issues.

  2. What a dope. He only hurt those who depend on his company for their livelihood, Deplorables could care less what the nasty democrats think about them. To us Deplorables democrats are lying nothings who if truth be told were to suddenly disappear off the face of the earth the world would immediately become a better place. Democrats have never and will not ever contribute anything positive to society. They said it themselves-they are nasty which means gross and they are gross primal freaks.

  3. I quit watching Fox when they went to the left...and still employ Sheppard Smith.

  4. IMO FOX News is not all to the left or all to the right but fair and balanced and that is why I watch it. Fair and Balanced gives BOTH sides. One does not hear both sides from watching CNN, or MSNBC . I do not agree with the extreme conservatives or the extreme liberals. Both can be dangerous. I am more to the middle of the road, so want to hear the Sheppard Smiths, Juan Williams, along with the Tucker Carlsons and Sean Hannitys. Pros and Cons helps me with decisions I can acccept for the betterment of my country and the peoples rights. When a person is not willing to listen to others, one tends to become a name calling bully. There is too much of "only my way is right, because I said so" on this blog. There seems to be no discussion, just my way or the highway. I find it hard to believe there are seldom opposing views posted.

  5. I guess the truth hurts, and people don't like the truth... I mean... they watch Fox news, so CLEARLY they have difficulty discerning what is true or not.

    That's not giving CNN or MSNDC a pass at all... but Fox is certainly the bottom of the barrel in (you can't really call it news) "News Product Entertainment"

  6. I saw him on Shark Tank and he was a complete ahole. Cuban and all the sharks thought so as well.


  7. I'm genuinely appreciative for his comments. Now know to avoid his product and company. He couldn't have been more helpful unless he was wearing his pink hat. Hope his shareholders scald his hide.


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