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Thursday, January 04, 2018

Breaking News: The Trump administration will allow new offshore oil and gas drilling in most U.S. waters, opening access to more than 100 million acres

The reversal deals a serious blow to President Barack Obama’s environmental legacy and signals that the Trump administration is nowhere near done unraveling the environmental restrictions of its predecessor in an effort to promote domestic energy production.

The new plan will not immediately green-light drilling. Finalizing it could take as long as 18 months, experts said, and in the meantime a number of states are expected to challenge it in an effort to protect their coastlines.


  1. Hopefully soon it will be as if BO was never president. Thank God!

  2. Google Deepwater Horizon oil spill. You think the sight of windmills will kill OC tourism, wait until oil tar balls cover the beach. BTW, Im not for windmills but don't want oil on the beach either.

  3. The states voted clinton AFTER she wanted to keep marijuana schedule 1 drug. Pres Trump said marijuana legalization is up to the STATES government has bigger things to deal with. The SAME states California delaware Maryland STILL voted CLINTON. they do not care about pot it's ALL political.

  4. And gas prices will go up watch.

    1. Hasn't happened yet and democrats said it would triple DAY ONE if Trump wins. WRONG. #MAGA

  5. Drill baby drill! Can you hear us now?

  6. To 3:22 Poster that said windmills and oil rigs will kill OC tourism.

    You must have lost your mind. At least President Trump has the mentality to recognize that America cannot keep losing thousands upon thousands of manufacturing jobs and yet people like you just want to sit on the beach (beach bums) - and complain about our Country. In case you haven't looked into the mirror - people like you are the root to our nation's problem - all the while the Arabs are getting filthy rich on our hard earned American service sector jobs. YOU REALLY NEED TO GET A LIFE!!

  7. 6:07 You are an idiot and clearly cannot understand the written word. I have not been to OC in over 10 years. I was simply stating that the opposition to windmills has been the aesthetics and that oil washing up on the beach will be no better. It is the only revenue source the eastern shore has left. Go ahead and f it up. The US has plenty of oil.

    "America is one of the world's largest oil producers, and close to 40 percent of U.S. oil needs are met at home. The top five source countries of U.S. petroleum imports in 2016 were Canada, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Mexico, and Colombia. "

    "In 2016, the United States exported about 5.2 MMb/d of petroleum to 101 countries."

  8. First of all, there is more than one type of oil well in the ocean, and the Deepwater Horizon was the wrong design. Secondly, Ogiveaway was all about allowing offshore drilling as long as he gave away the rights to other countries. Third, if you read my articles on land based windmills / "tur(d)bines", here on this site last week, you would know that they are losers on land and would be bigger losers 15 miles out in salt water.


  9. Don’t worry Trump is spiraling into a mountainside. Even his bff Brannon said he was nuts. He’ll get carried out of office in a straight jacket and normalcy will ensue!


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