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Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Breaking News: Joe Arpaio, the former Arizona sheriff and immigration hard-liner who was pardoned by President Trump, is running for Senate

The move by Mr. Arpaio, who just six months ago faced the prospect of a jail sentence for criminal contempt, upends the race to replace Senator Jeff Flake, a Republican who abandoned his 2018 re-election campaign after coming under criticism from Mr. Trump.
“Being a U.S. senator is a little different than being the sheriff, because you can do a lot of things in the U.S. Senate, and I have many plans, believe me,” Mr. Arpaio told the Washington Examiner in announcing his bid. “I have a lot to offer. I’m a big supporter of President Trump.”


  1. I like Joe Arpio BUT he's 85 years old. I'm 82 years old and I couldn't keep up the grind necessary to stay on top of everything that's happening in this country and world. I have supported and will continue to support Dr. Keli Ward she is a very consertive Republican and supports President Trump.

  2. When I saw his name with breaking news, I was afraid he had passed. I would vote for him if I could. My only reservation is his age, but he looks great and has a lot of fire in him. He would be so much better in the senate than most. Hope the good sheriff makes it.

  3. 2:41 that's real nice but I agree with 2:34

  4. Like him but forget it .
    All people up to 70 yrs old
    should not run for Gov. jobs.
    The mind is just not as it
    was in your 50's early 60's.

    1. That's called discrimination and Trump is doing great!

  5. 4:57...the president is 70 or so and nothing wrong with his mind. He has more energy than most half his age. Now Slow Joe out of DE is another story. He should have been put to pasture many years ago.


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