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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Booker Admits Hearing Freak Out Was a Political Stunt

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) essentially admitted that the fit he threw in front of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was a political stunt in an appearance on CNN on Wednesday.

After CNN’s Jake Tapper read a repudiation of Booker’s conduct to the senator from the Republican National Committee (RNC), the senator reacted with uncaged joy.

“I’m glad they’re finally attacking me,” he said, pointing out that Republicans had attacked other high-profile senators.



  1. It was so funny watching Booker make an ass out of himself. He couldn't stop himself from telling lie after lie.

    1. He is a very dangerous political individual. Need to keep an eye centered on him. Of course, without him knowing. He loves the 📷 !!

  2. I thought he was on drugs and needed a urine test. Moe hes confirmed hes just a publicity whore. Glad hes not my senator.

  3. I thought that the article was implying that Booker liked the song "Freak Out" by La Chic!! Go ahead, sing along with it in your head you old disco fans!

  4. As has often been said before 'an empty barrel makes the loudest noise.'

  5. Just another Democrat POSER


  6. He's another 'looks good on the outside but same old socialist on the inside' style candidate from Democrat central casting.

    B Hussein Obama, Booker, Kamala Harris. Military service of Biden's sons was for resume enhancement. Same thing with the Jakester locally.

  7. You guys are too focused on Booker. I was too busy gazing at Nielsen. I know, I know...you’re not supposed to tell a woman she’s beautiful in this ridiculously PC world...but she is. Sue me.

  8. Cory Booker is awesome! It was a passionate speech about how the antics of this POTUS are affecting americans.

  9. Booker is not a "high profile Senator." He is a wanna-be.


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