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Monday, January 15, 2018

Bill Clinton Triggered, Denies Clinton Foundation's Haiti Funds Were Used For Chelsea Wedding

Former President Bill Clinton lashed out on Twitter Saturday in response to accusations that daughter Chelsea Clinton used Clinton Foundation funds to pay for her wedding, calling it a "personal insult to me, to Hillary, and to Chelsea and Marc," referring to son-in-law Marc Mezvinsky.
No Clinton Foundation funds—dedicated to Haiti or otherwise—were used to pay for Chelsea’s wedding. It’s not only untrue, it’s a personal insult to me, to Hillary, and to Chelsea and Marc.https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2017/01/04/did-the-clinton-foundation-pay-for-chelseas-wedding/ 
Bill was triggered after controversy surrounding the Clinton Foundation's involvement in Haiti was rehashed following a tweet by Chelsea Clinton - criticizing President Trump's alleged use of the word "shithole" in reference to several impoverished countries, including Haiti - which the Clintons have a long and sordid history of screwing over.



  1. And they are a personal insult to me. I am offended they use the air that we breath.

  2. Then what did you pay for it with? I recall Hillary saying you were broke whe you left the WhiteHouse.

  3. Shure , they are Perfect & do Nothing Wrong !! Not

  4. In other words the truth hurts. put some ice on it Bill


  5. Clintons made big promises to Haiti after disaster; it was good PR but they never followed through. Allegations have been made but they specialize in legal dodgery and lying, not in accurate accounting.

  6. When they left the White House the headlines were over and over they wanted to purchase a house in NY but couldn't afford one where they wanted to live, then suddenly they had all this $$$$. There has got to be someone or organization out there that can piece together the bread crumbs to where it all came from.

  7. Marc? Isn't he in jail for the 30 million dollar fake hedge fund in Turkey? Clinton lost hedge fund goes bankrupt!!

  8. What happened was big contracts were cleared through the clinton state dept and given paid for by US tax payers to help rebuild Haiti. These same companies also gave donations to the foundation. Pay for Play, Quid pro quo. Evidently much of the work never was done or was done haphazardly. The whole clinton family should be rotting away in prison. They are all liars and scam artists. The only thing worst then them are those who still support them.

  9. Also Bill: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman..."

  10. Anyone and every associated with the Clintons are as crooked as a snakes back! Mevinski and his family are criminals, too. He's probably the one who showed them how to launder their foundation donations.
    Where the F**** Is the MSM in this investigation.

  11. Well. The Clinton Foundation contributions sure wasn't used in Haiti.


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