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Saturday, January 06, 2018

BIDEN 2020? 'Tell Howard Dean I can take him physically'


  1. 2020 will be a non white female for democrats. Everything will be racist and bigotry. Harvey took one for the team to get the ball rolling.

  2. Which one of them could get up, wipe their mouth off, and get back into their dress the fastest?
    ANOTHER washed up politician dreaming dreams of greatness.
    POMPOUS, arrogant, unrealistic dreams.
    What is this guy? 150 years old or something??
    My DAUGHTER would beat his ace into a pile of bruised flesh.
    He has started to do the worst thing possible -- he's believing his own hype.
    Keep cheering, Joe.
    Get you and Hillary touring the country and do it every day.
    As a reminder of how ineffectual the last crop of dunce politicians were.....
    Trump won't even have to campaign.

    Keep cheering.

    1. Biden and you are a lot alike (Ray!)

  3. Please let us see a Biden Clinton ticket

    1. And go back to poverty and apologizing to our enemies. Also have the govt tell us how to think and have us give them all our money. Is that what you want?

  4. Yeah, from behind in a dark room with no way to turn around.

  5. Chuck Cook idolizes that retard. Calls him "like a boss."


  6. Will Slo Joe's drug test busted former Navy reserve officer son be divorced yet and married to his sister-in-law the widow of his brother by the time Joe goes off to Iowa to launch his campaign?

    Joe must have purloined Obama's magical gazing mirror!

    1. Will he learn to keep his hands off of small children and grown women by then. Let us not forget!


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