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Friday, January 19, 2018

Attorney General Frosh Files Suit to Stop Illegal Rollback of Net Neutrality

Coalition of 22 Attorneys General Files Petition for Review, Formally Commencing Lawsuit

Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh joined a coalition of 22 attorneys general in filing a multistate lawsuit to block the Federal Communications Commission’s illegal rollback of net neutrality. The coalition filed a petition for review in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, formally commencing the lawsuit against the FCC and the federal government.

Read more in the full press release:http://www.marylandattorneygeneral.gov/press/2018/011618a.pdf


  1. It's NOT an "illegal rollback", Frosh. It was always a temporary trial thing. It doesn't help anyone except crooked politicians!

    Oh, wait, So that's why...

  2. Who's footing the bill for this????
    Why not spend the money going after the Baltimore School Board!!

  3. This guy is just a loose cannon that does what ever his progressive shrills tell him to do in the name of Maryland and our legislators gave him that power (what does jim have to say about that) this just needs to stop


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