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Monday, January 15, 2018

Associate in Hillary Clinton Uranium One Russian Bribery Case Indicted

An 11-count indictment has been handed down from a grand jury investigating possible Russian bribery involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One deal negotiated when she was part of the Obama administration, a report says.

The indictment was levied against Maryland resident Mark Lambert, a former co-president of a nuclear transportation company involved in Hillary Clinton’s deal to sell U.S. uranium interests to a Russian company. A Department of Justice statement says that the 54-year-old Lambert was charged with “one count of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and to commit wire fraud, seven counts of violating the FCPA, two counts of wire fraud and one count of international promotion money laundering.”

More details here


  1. Everyone around this investigation will be busted, Except Hillary

  2. I bet he will "commit suicide" like all the other people associated with the clintons, and it will of course happen before he can testify with any evidence of the clintons involvement.

  3. ok so when do they get to Bill and Hillary

  4. Watch for this person to commit suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head or driving off a cliff.....

  5. Tick, tick, tick...

  6. Don't forget the queen herself Hillary maybe the dems will give her up now that they have Oprah as a possible candidate.

  7. How about Indicting Hillary & Obama not just the Pee-ons !!

  8. This is why mainstream media are on full PROPAGANDA MODE the past week.


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