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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

America is waking up to the farce that is feminism

First, there was Dr. Jordan Peterson’s infamous takedown of feminist Cathy Newman, whose debate on feminist issues has garnered almost 5 million views on YouTube and almost 75,000 comments to date, not to mention a slew of op-eds.

Now, there's President Trump’s refusal to call himself a feminist.

I have high hopes that America is waking up to the farce that is feminism. “For the first time in decades, if not ever, [feminism’s] tenets are being publicly challenged,” writes Corey Schink for Sign fo the Times.

It is long overdue, for we can now expose feminism for what it is: a war on men, on children, and on family.

Today, it is widely accepted that women in America always get the short end of the stick. According to feminists, women have been oppressed for centuries. We’re told not enough progress has been made and that society still hasn’t leveled the playing field. This philosophy is so embedded in our culture that Americans don't question it. We don’t even label it “feminist” to think this way; it’s just commonplace to believe women suffer discrimination.

Turn on the television, flip through a magazine, or search America’s airwaves, and you’ll be deluged with stories about women who wonder how their needs can best be met, how they can balance their lives better, or how they can deal with the myriad of problems and dangers they face. Women’s grievances dominate the conversation.

But just as smoking went out of fashion, so will feminism.



  1. Under every pussy hat is a voice that says "me, me, me."

  2. Muslims get one thing right...women's place in society.

  3. The feminist shot themselves in the foot when they started running around with pussy hats and body suits trying to look like vaginas. As a women I have been completely offended by these so called feminist. STOP ALREADY!

  4. Simply a man hater's club.


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