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Wednesday, January 03, 2018

All I Can Say Is, It Figures!


  1. Interesting...Mary Ashanti is one of the enablers of the thugs and now a meeting about them?

  2. I bet white folks won't be welcomed. That meeting will be nothing more than black parents blaming white people for their own short comings in raising their children.

  3. NAACP. Need I say more.


  4. This could be a good thing IF everyone involved would take a good, objective look at what is happening. Ditch the 'victim' mentality and look at why your children are not getting a good education.

    Do they want one, or are they acting up because they don't want to be there?

    The losers in this whole thing are the kids. There is a whole generation (or two) of kids who cannot function effectively in society because they have not been taught how to do that.

    Are you going to find ways to shine some light on the REAL problems and fix them, or are you going to continue to curse the darkness?

  5. Move to Baltimore! You’ll see just how good you have it in Salisbury

  6. Thanks NAACP and Ashanti for the laugh of the year. Their inherent dishonesty prevents them from admitting any and all truths. Their problem is their own created by them and no one else and until they admit this and address this they will continue spiraling down. Unfortunately telling the truth is not in their DNA. They will continue to lie and make excuses forever and forever then they will have to suffer the consequences. It is also becoming obvious they are inherently unable to think and Ashanti's "education" is showing. You couple her inherent dishonesty with her dumbed down "historically black college" "education" and you get stupidity like this. So until they address the real and only issue and that is the break down of the black family nothing will improve. It is fun for the rest of us to sit back and make fun of their lies and ignorance though.

  7. Will SPD and WCSO representatives be there? How about BOE members and the superintendent of schools? The county executive?

    It should be televised on PAC-14. All Ashanti need do is ask them and provide someone to run the camera(s).

  8. Those who posted here should attend so that your points of view can be heard. Otherwise, it will be like it is in Somerset, where the Dad who killed all of his kids by operating a generator inside the house because he was caught stealing electricity was given "Father of the Year".

    No one had the courage to say this guy's bad choices caused the death of his family and NO WAY should not have received the Father of the Year Award. This family was black.

  9. This will accomplish nothing. It will turn into a finger pointing agenda and no one will take responsibility for their children's actions. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if it turned into a riot if the NAACP people don't like what they here.

  10. The parents who matter won't be showing up. Find a solution to that first.

  11. 11:28 - Exactly! How about parenting your children instead of complaining about the discipline they only get through the BOE and the police.

  12. 11:02 yeah right. If you tell them any point of view other then the lies about discrimination they will holler racism. That is how they roll. They never evolved into civilized human beings which means you take full responsibility for your OWN choices and actions in life.

  13. So, you want to be treated fairly, correct? Then teach and raise your children to have morals and respect. Teach them to treat others how they would want to be treated. Teach them to listen and respect teachers, to listen and study. Show them by example that fighting is not the way to resolve a conflict and that criminal activity is wrong, regardless of the circumstances. Instill the fact that by doing these things a bright and productive future can be obtained. Until that occurs your organization will never be taken seriously.


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