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Friday, January 19, 2018

Alexander: The Demos' DACA Duplicity and Deceit

In 2016, Donald Trump campaigned and won his presidential bid in part on his promise to reform our immigration system. That reform included, finally, a wall on our southern border, and repeal of Barack Obama’s illegal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which ostensibly provided “temporary” deferral from deportation for those who entered the country illegally as minors but which was in fact a de facto amnesty.

On the heels of Trump’s remarkable first-year achievements — despite the Leftmedia’s all-out war on him — the president is now taking on immigration. His stated aim is to tackle border security, fix DACA, and end the ruinous “chain migration” and “diversity lottery” programs.

Democrats and Republicans have kicked this can down the road for decades, though the Trump administration has curbed illegal border crossings and illegal immigration in general. Not since President Dwight Eisenhower’s “Operation Wetback” (yes, that was the name of Ike’s program to deport millions of illegal aliens) has any administration seriously dealt with illegal immigrants.

At present, it’s estimated that there are more than nine million illegal immigrants in the U.S., including more than eight million in the labor force. The bulk of these migrants came across our border illegally, but 40% entered legally and overstayed their visa expirations. Almost 60% reside in just six states, California and Texas being the largest “hosts.”

There are many reasons why immigrants would want to flock to our great nation — but they are net consumers of taxpayer services, costing federal, state and local governments more than $8,000 per person annually. That totals more than $135 billion a year, primarily for “free” education ($46B), medical services ($29B), law enforcement ($23B) and welfare ($9B).

More here


  1. That's how we will become a Muslim country in 20 years.

  2. I can not for the life of me understand Democrats. If democrats get what they want their children and all of America's children will pay a heavy price.

  3. The American taxpayer is stuck with the medical bills when the pregnant illegal gives birth to multiple kids and then drops the 'poor pitiful me' line and expects more money to raise and educate the kids. Again, the American taxpayer is stuck with all the financial burden.
    Build that fence and build it now.

  4. Democrats aren't looking out for people who vote democrat just their colleagues and donors.

  5. We have generations of do nothing go nowhere Americans that have little more to offer than their doomed offspring and blubbering about their heritage and heroic veteran service and they are no better off now then when their great great grandparents that got of the boat as indentured and seem to feel more entitled than new immigrants that generations later they are no better off than now. My anti immigration policy is basically we are stuck with enough do nothing dullards of our own with assumed entitlements we don't need more. Lets send them and our own all back where they came from and see how they fair.


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