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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Air Force One Needs New Refrigerators. They Cost $24 Million

Air Force One needs new refrigerators, an upgrade that will cost taxpayers nearly $24 million.

Their high cost is the latest example of just how expensive it is to build the heavily modified 747 jumbo jets that fly the president of the United States. Experts say the reason isn’t price gouging by Boeing, which makes the jets and handles the presidential modifications, but instead the result of bespoke equipment requirements put in place by the White House Military Office and the Air Force.

“It’s not a contractor issue, it is a requirements issue,” said Richard Aboulafia, vice president of analysis at the Teal Group consulting firm. “It’s not getting people rich.”

The new refrigerators aren’t your kitchen Frigidaires, or even a typical jetliner’s cabin-feeding coolboxes. The requirement for Air Force One is the ability to feed passengers and crew for weeks without resupplying. That means storing about 3,000 meals in massive refrigerators and freezers below the passenger cabin. Five “chillers” cool a total of 26 climate-controlled compartments, according to the Air Force.



  1. and I thought my new appliance cost too much!

  2. Anonymous said...
    and I thought my new appliance cost too much!
    January 30, 2018 at 10:47 AM

    Maybe yours did but you can't compare that to the ones in Air Force One.

  3. That is a total waste of money no matter who the President is.

  4. That's some expensive PBJ's!!!!

  5. 11:17 AM - Yeah, why have that when you can just stuff a few Igloo coolers on the plane with some sandwiches and drinks.

  6. Let them have M.R.E's, just like our troops. I thought Trump was going to drain the swamp?

  7. SO!!! what is the problem. The dems spend more then that every day and no one says a thing. They hate him because he is bring light into their world and don't like it He saved money on the plane. I don't care what he spends because he is putting more money in my pocket. Thank you Mr. Trump. I will vote again for you in 2020. (map)

  8. It's reassuring to know that our president and his staff will be well fed while our country is being destroyed by invasion or nuclear attack.

  9. Outrageous.
    And any attempt to defend it is outrageous.
    Including this article's attempt.

    This is not government of, by, and for the People.

  10. I like the MRE idea. Be sure to drink lots of water.

    What about Air Force 2?

  11. Anonymous said...
    It's reassuring to know that our president and his staff will be well fed while our country is being destroyed by invasion or nuclear attack.
    January 30, 2018 at 3:14 PM

    if we are under a nuclear attack, money will not matter to anyone. food, however.....


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