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Monday, January 22, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Schools on lockdown

Any idea why Wi-Middle and Wi-Hi are on lockdown this morning?


  1. Mt Hermon and Civic were closed off earlier and now there is a helicopter buzzing the E side

  2. Armed robbery in area.

  3. Mt Hermon and Civic were closed off earlier and now there is a helicopter buzzing the E side

  4. Police action at the intersection of Civic Ave & 50. Guns drawn.

  5. Its not lockdown. Its shelter in place. We can move within building. All entrances to building are locked.

  6. Cops everywhere in secu parking lot surrounded around a money truck in back parking lot

  7. Its a shelter in place, meaning kids can't go outside the building or the breezeways. This is a result of a robbery at SECU. That is all we know at the moment.

  8. SECU bank was surround by cops when I drove by around 7:30ish, and a helicopter is circling the area.

  9. SECU isn't even open at that time...did they go after the ATM??

  10. So, let's see. Someone thinks the gun rats are going to go to school? Think about it. Why would they go to a somewhat secure building, with cameras for the most part, for refuge. I guess to get re-educated. Even these dumbbells are smarter than that. You'd learn that in "Prison 101".

  11. Glad you let us know...no one else told us they were on lockdown


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