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Friday, January 19, 2018

A Message from SU Provost on Diversity Course

Universities have a long-standing and important role as centers for inquiry, investigation and dialogue about the complex issues facing society. Part of the process of educating students involves prompting them, sometimes in uncomfortable ways, to think critically about a wide range of subjects. At Salisbury University, we discuss difficult questions, delve into controversial topics, and serve as an important hub of ideas and diversity of thought.

SU’s Institute for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement, for example, provides training for students, faculty and community members so they can hone skills for constructive dialogue about challenging topics. The campus also has active College Republican and College Democrat groups. Our faculty engage students in content from across the ideological spectrum. We strive to ensure that students become informed consumers of information and rational decision-makers. This has meant hosting speakers with widely different perspectives and exploring complex issues such as racism.

One of our classes has garnered attention for a graphic used to examine structures of power related to race. It was one of several methods used by the faculty member to stimulate discussion. This one-credit course on diversity for elementary education majors was created in response to requests by school districts to help future teachers become better prepared to support learning in their diverse classrooms.

SU faculty and staff work diligently to help students develop the knowledge, skills and abilities that will prepare them for their first jobs and rewarding careers in our global society. The values of diversity, inclusion, respect and civility are fundamental to Salisbury University. We also are profoundly committed to the principles of free inquiry and free expression. These ideals are not in tension with one another; on the contrary, they ground one another.

Karen L. Olmstead, Ph.D.

Interim Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs


  1. Another over paid liberal split tail trying to talk down to us with double speak. We don't want that stuff being taught in our community.

  2. Ph.D.,piled high and deep.Nothing but academic mumbo jumbo which translates into indoctrination.

  3. So, who drew the noose(s)? What disciplinary action, if any, was taken? Are those students still attending SU after their vile hate field illustration was found?

  4. She needs to be fired immediately!!

  5. Sure Karen, bite that hand which feeds your college. I'm talking about the alumni who contribute IF they like what they see happening to THEIR college.

    "Interim" prior to Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs fits you perfectly!

    Kudo to your speech writer too, since it did NOT come from your fingers!

  6. SU continues to pander to the liberal section of society. They do the same thing with their hiring practices. The worst thing about SU and similar institutions are the faculty and administration. There was a time when college was beneficial for our nation. Now it seems college and those attending are destroying our community and country

  7. wow, do they hire anyone from the Rep. Party? All the workers there are gay and members of the local Dem. Party....no local Rep. need apply

  8. Karen
    That was a bunch of bull$hit you just spewed and no ones buying it. The class is racist and so is the professor teaching it. You can spin it anyway you would like but it still ends up being a bunch of bs. Way to go SU for stirring the racial pot 👏🏻👏🏻

  9. Obama Crooked MulattoJanuary 19, 2018 at 8:21 PM

    Dear Karen PhD.,
    All I read in your statement is an attempt of PR stunt, thank your speech writer for so very eloquent lines of general Bulls$&t. No specifics, not addressing any of the issue, just more puffs of smoke and a lot of gravy of Buls!;t running out with goal of appeasing the public.NOT WORKING! So I will be frank. Your "Proffessor" is Racist and very confused individual, probably result of constant brainwash by Liberal Race Card Agenda. The entire idea of presenting this so called "White Privilege Pyramid" as some kind of graph is totally absurd. The "Pyramid" itself looks as it was "designed" by disturbed 10-11 yr.old girl who is afraid of shadows and loud voices. Karen, how could you sleep at night knowing This Garbage being presented at your taxpayer funded university as mandatory class for young students?! Shame On You!


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