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Friday, December 22, 2017

Women brawl in front of kids party at Chuck E. Cheese’s

A family night at Chuck E. Cheese’s turned violent when two women started fighting, pulling each other’s hair and throwing fists as children celebrated a birthday nearby, video shows.

The 2-minute video, posted Saturday on Facebook, shows two unidentified women trading blows as stunned children and parents look on. The fight took place at a Chuck E. Cheese’s in Indianapolis, where several people, including employees, unsuccessfully tried to separate the female brawlers.

“Are you serious?” one woman asked after reminding the women where they were at the time.

One employee appears to tell another worker to call police, according to the video. The women later separated but continued shouting at each other in front of dozens of customers, including Cujo Bailey, who recorded the fight and posted it to Facebook. As of Tuesday, the video had been viewed more than 342,000 times.



  1. Those that live by the sword will die by the sword , Baltimore is the best example. BLM , NOT! Teach your children right!

  2. My adult neighbors act like this. Now her older girls also act like this. They only know what they have been shown.

  3. April Jackson and her daughter

  4. Any wonder they can't get past the 3rd grade?

  5. Typical actions. Just cannot act civilized at all. And WE are the bad guys?


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