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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Why Downtown Parking Garages May Be Headed for Extinction

For decades, providing downtown parking was a top priority for urban planners. Huge parking garages for commuters’ cars occupied prime real estate that otherwise might have been used for housing, stores or offices.

But ride-hailing services and autonomous cars are going to revolutionize parking in cities across the country — in garages, in lots and along curbs. By 2030, 15 percent of new cars sold will be totally autonomous, according to one estimate. One in 10 will be shared. And as it becomes easier for people to summon shared or autonomous cars when they need them, fewer people will want to own their own vehicle, meaning fewer cars overall.

The bottom line: We’re going to need much less space to store cars. Some cities are gearing up to take advantage of the shift.

“Urban parking lots are dead or dying, and how we use the curb is changing,” said Rich Barone, vice president of transportation for the Regional Plan Association of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. The RPA released a report in October urging cities to “get ready” for autonomous vehicles. It predicts that by 2045, 70 to 90 percent of all cars in major urban areas could be autonomous.

Parking in downtowns is going to “morph from being big massive surface lots and garages to much smaller areas configured for pickup and drop-off of autonomous vehicles,” Barone said. “Cities will be more walkable, more people-friendly, and there will be more space for parks and other amenities.”



  1. Hope our BOY Mayor doesn't read this article. They will be tearing down the parking garage for more section 8 housing in the big Bury.

  2. So is that how government is going to FORCE people out of their private cars?

  3. Salisbury doesn't have a downtown. It has a street.

  4. Rehobeth could use a parking garage in their little town. It's getting to the point you have to fight and defend yourself trying to get a parking space in the summer. Then you get to pay for the experience via their meters.


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