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Wednesday, December 06, 2017

When Text Messages Suck!

Hi, Fred, this is Alan next door. I have a confession to make. I have been riddled with guilt these past few months and have been trying to get up the courage to tell you face-to-face, but I am at least telling you in text as I cannot live with myself a moment longer without you knowing.

The truth is I have been sharing your wife, day and night when you're not around. In fact, probably more than you.

I haven't been getting it at home recently, but I know that's no excuse. The temptation was just too great. I can no longer live with the guilt and hope that you will accept my sincerest apologies, and forgive me. It won't happen again. Please suggest a fee for usage, and I'll pay you.

Regards, Alan.


Fred, feeling so angered and betrayed he grabbed his gun...and shot his neighbor dead.

He returned home, poured himself a stiff drink and sat down on the sofa.

He took out his phone where he saw a second message from his neighbor, Alan:


Hi, Fred, this is Alan next door, again.

Sorry about the typo on my last text. I expected that you figured it out anyway, and noticed that darned Auto-Correct changed "wi-fi" to "wife." That's today's technology for you, hey!

Regards, Alan


  1. This is Sad! They [you know who] want minds <say No!!! To the implanTed ones! 56k was no better (mindless, malfunction*). Say no to the radiation beams (*wi Fi*). It is Bad@!!

    1. Do you actually read the crap you write before posting? What a fruitcake.

    2. Time . It is Time, yes Time to wake Up!* listen to Your thoughts, not their Filtration Units (You think, am i not worthy?) You Are the Persons of the Year! Yes. *you see, you Said no!!! To Their Agenda (*soros =_ hilaary = Liberals!!@*). All trump Voters/non-Liberals are Persons of the Year !!!!

  2. Waitress, remember that drink I ordered? Never mind - the guy next to me (620am) is drinking the same concoction!!!!!!


    1. No, i Will not Drink (kool ade) No! Wake up! Yes, become Aware!!! It is the Time to See who (^soros?^() is trying to Deceive!!!!

  3. If Alan had a gun he might still be alive today.

  4. Reality check..You KNOW That This MUST have Happened ..Soooooooo Many Times In Real Life ! ( But Would Any Man Own Up ..) No ! We Like Getting Caught Red-handed !!


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