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Friday, December 22, 2017

Trump puts his UN money where his mouth is

Ever encounter a panhandler, and, motivated by kindness, hand over a dollar? Only to have the beggar berate you for not giving more? That’s the situation the United States finds itself in with the United Nations.

President Trump’s not-so-subtle threat to remember which nations voted to condemn his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital was the ultimate case of speaking truth to power.

The largest – by far – donor to the United Nations, and a provider of foreign aid to dozens of other U.N. member states, America holds a unique, though decidedly not privileged position in the so-called world body.

Yet for decades, it has been stymied by its rivals (China and Russia), by rogue regimes (Iran), and by a U.N. leadership that views America as a source of demonic, not democratic values.

Well and good. But why, then, should the U.S. continue to ante up 22 percent of the U.N.’s budget, and fully 28 percent of its peacekeeping effort?



  1. Well, we may have been "demonic" for the last 30 years, but not anymore...

  2. It’s time for the UN to be evicted from New York City and we need to go on our own way. There is no longer any reason for the United States to be involved with anti-semetic behaviors and activities. The UN no longer stands for anything for which it was started. They have been derelict in their duty to both the world and theUnited States. The organization has failed the world complete. It’s tome for it to go.

  3. 4:29 you forgot to mention all their fines they owe the US / NY City that they should be mandated to pay with interest or deduct from any future foreign aide given to them.

  4. Do not be shocked if see aid being withdrawn from several countries. Also don’t be surprised if you see the USA leave the UN.


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