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Thursday, December 07, 2017


State Troopers assigned to the Maryland State Police Barrack in Berlin will be increasing the number of troopers on patrol in local shopping centers. The increased police presence will allow troopers to focus on suspicious activity occurring in and around shopping centers, which historically have experienced a seasonal increase in criminal activity. Troopers also hope to enhance community policing efforts by being out of their patrol vehicles making contact with citizens using a proactive approach designed to reduce crime, increase visibility and educate the community on how to be more careful, prepared and aware during the holiday shopping season.

As a reminder, the Maryland State Police would like to provide the following holiday safety tips:

• Keep packages and other valuables in the car trunk and out of sight.

• Avoid carrying large amounts of cash.

• Carry a purse under your arm with the strap across your body.

• Put wallets in an inside pocket of your jacket or front pants pocket.

• Stay alert and be aware of your surroundings at all times.

• If shopping after dark, shop with a friend if possible.

• Always park your car in a well-lit area.

• Always check the interior of your car before you unlock the door to get in.

• Lock your car doors and windows even if you are only gone for a few minutes.


  1. They forgot to tell you to CCW and not live in fear.

  2. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash because Limelight Lewis and his merry revenue collectors might seize it to buy more Harley Davidson toys or military grade vehicles.

  3. December 7, 2017 5:46am

    That was a stupid comment.

  4. Subliminal, mindset. This has been said as far back as you can remember. These employees want off during The Holiday Season same as everyone else. I drove from Ocean City to the upper Western Shore during Christmas one year and observed one patrol unit. It was parked in a troopers driveway this side of Easton where he lived.

  5. What is stupid about that comment. Have you ever heard of civil forfeiture?


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