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Friday, December 15, 2017

This Bill In Congress Could Means 10s Of 1000s More Americans Banned From Buying Guns

When news that a “concealed-carry reciprocity law” had been passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, gun owners all over the nation rejoiced. But what most people didn’t realize is that there had been a last minute change to the bill that could substantially increase the number of Americans that are banned from buying guns. This poison pill completely ruins the bill, and it must be voted down. What we need is a clean “concealed-carry reciprocity bill” that does not include “Fix-NICS” in it.

Let’s start at the beginning. Last week, gun owners were elated when the House passed a bill that would enable them “to legally carry concealed weapons across state lines”

Republicans rammed a bill through the House on Wednesday that would make it easier for gun owners to legally carry concealed weapons across state lines, the first significant action on guns in Congress since mass shootings in Nevada and Texas killed more than 80 people.

The House approved the bill, 231-198, largely along party lines. Six Democrats voted yes, while 14 Republicans voted no.

The measure would allow gun owners with a state-issued concealed-carry permit to carry a handgun in any state that allows concealed weapons. It now goes to the Senate.



  1. So you don't want people to carry in Maryland is that it? The article completely misrepresents the Nics side of this bill.

  2. 11:59 How do you know this article misrepresented the NICS bill???? Do you know what the NICS even is???? Do you know what it does???? DO you know what the politicians added in at the last minute like they always do???? DO you know what and who it will affect???? What and where is you proof???? Do go running your mouth about shit you don't know anything about and claim someone is wrong with out proving it!!!! It is your job to prove what this guy says is wrong...

    I think this article explains what the added FIX of the NICS system will do just fine, it will make most low infractions become major infractions, like the guy said with traffic tickets...

    I mean the IRS is trying to stop you from owning a gun based on being a medical weed user, so this is not misplaced or far fetched...

  3. Let people carry. I expect businesses and institutions to have them checked at the door. I am not comfortable with armed paranoid fat asses packing. It just creates a culture of fear and it's no stand against any real threat. If you are too scared to go out stay the hell home with your gun. The rest of us will take our chances in the last bastions of a civil world.


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