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Saturday, December 30, 2017

State Department DROPS THE HAMMER On Huma Abedin – Hillary Panicking…

After being found by the FBI, approximately 2,800 work documents related to Hillary Clinton are set to be released by the State Department today.

During her time as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton used a private email server to conduct government business, and at one point her aide Huma Abedin uploaded thousands of those documents to her estranged husband’s laptop.

Huma’s husband, the sex pervert Anthony Weiner who is currently serving jail time for his escapades, had his laptop taken by the FBI during their investigation. A court battle will finalize in the next few hours and will result in the release of those 2,800 Hillary-related documents that were taken from Weiner’s computer. According to the group Judicial Watch, which focuses on government transparency, the documents will be released thanks to their efforts to see them released to the wider public with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit.

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, has been making the media rounds this week.



  1. Hillary's ankle bracelet as well as John McCain;s are there for a reason.

  2. Dumb and dumber- Hillary and Huma. We'll be watching to see how this one ends.

  3. Hillary should be panicking

  4. No panic by Hillary.she already knows she has done nothing wrong. Right!


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