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Thursday, December 07, 2017

Somali refugee who raped 2 U.S. women at knifepoint walks free

It’s been six years since Somali refugee Mohammed Ali Mohammed, then age 14, sexually assaulted two women at knifepoint on consecutive nights in Salt Lake City.

Mohammed, now just one month from his 21st birthday, attacked one woman who was standing outside of her home on Aug. 14, 2011.

The teen came up behind the woman, who was outside her house with a dog, and held a four-inch switchblade to her throat. He threatened to kill her if she made a sound, according to police reports, then he raped her behind the home.

The teen came up behind the woman, who was outside her house with a dog, and held a four-inch switchblade to her throat. He threatened to kill her if she made a sound, according to police reports, then he raped her behind the home.


1 comment:

  1. Then some good american came upon mohammed put a switchboard up to his neck and slit his throat


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