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Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Salisbury Mayor Mohawk Day Is In NYC Today For Mental Health Issues

NYC Mayor De Blasio clearly concerned while Dr. Ruth studies the subject, (mohawk) over mental issues. 


  1. Hilarious picture and headline.

    Thanks for the laughs!

  2. How many trips does this guy take, at taxes payers expense? Isn't Salisbury mayor just a part time gig? He may not be embezzling money, but the way he is spending tax payers' money is obscene!

  3. I hope all you Salisbury residents are enjoying paying for all of this.

  4. A liberal Mind Coupling Event !! You see, the uplink Started in 1958 now the Internet (1968 Darpa, yes!) Now, the Implanter Chipped want You to listen to Their thoughts (*say No!!@*)


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