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Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Salisbury Bypass At A Stand Still

A viewer called in and said they tried to get on the Bypass at Snow Hill Road heading north and the traffic is horrible. Be patient or take another route.


  1. How long is it going to take to fix the bypass?

  2. Get used to it. Just another year and a half of that dangerous stretch of construction (North & South). I'm still waiting for the accident that kills someone. The vehicles forced to run the bypass gauntlet are beating up the barriers, busting up the barrels, and turning over, on a weekly / daily basis. It's the worst traffic diversion I have ever seen in all my years of driving, many of which were professional truck driving. I've never seen such a dangerous configuration.

  3. Easy solution, don't use the bypass.

  4. Maybe people should learn to drive. Or maybe put their damn phones down!

  5. The configuration is dangerous and should be adjusted. The speed limit should be lowered to 40 or 45 in certain sections.

    1. Like anyone would actually do 40 or 45, I avoid the by pass, people act like its the NJ Turnpike!

  6. Once done with construction, it's going to be time to re-pave the roads.

  7. 10:44 well said! Inattentive driving is all it is, traffic patterns are fine slow the hell down and pay attention.

  8. I totally agree with 9:43 and 10:52. The barriers could have been done much better and several of these accidents could have been avoided.
    For example, making people merge on the big turn north of the train tracks (where the right lane ends) heading south is stupid. Why not make them merge on the straightaway just half a mile north of the curve. I see so many near misses along that 300 yard stretch. It should be fixed immediately at no cost. Many people at night don't see the signs and suddenly swerve left as soon as they see the blinking arrow light. Put another blinker another 1/2 mile north or make the merge sooner.
    Also, the narrowing at the bridge over Mt. Hermon Road is crazy. Why not move the barriers a couple of feet, make the southbound drivers merger earlier and prevent people from freaking out when the lane goes from 12 feet to 8. Again, I see it every day.
    I'm not a civil engineer, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express.
    Why can't the state engineers see the same and fix it???

  9. I don't understand how the bay bridge tunnel is beaten by salt water 24/7 for 70 years and I'm not aware of it ever having to undergo the level of work that is being done on the overpass sections now after only 20 years or so. Why were they not built right in the first place? Why is this taking so long now. For all the hype about how advanced we are now I bet current day America could never build another Hoover dam, another mount Rushmore, or another Panama canal.


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