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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Roy Moore refuses to concede despite his opponent being declared a winner in multiple reports

Democrat Doug Jones has pulled off a major upset in Alabama by defeating Republican Roy Moore in Tuesday’s special election, becoming the first Democrat to win election to the Senate from the deeply conservative state in 25 years.

"We have come so far and the people of Alabama have spoken," Jones said during a victory speech in Birmingham late Tuesday.

But in a late-night speech to supporters, Moore refused to concede. Moore told the crowd that when the “vote is this close…it’s not over.”

With 100 percent of precincts reporting, Jones had 49.9 percent to Moore's 48.4 percent.

Moore said the campaign was looking into the state's "recount provision." Under Alabama law, a mandatory recount takes place if a candidate wins by a half percent or less.



  1. We all know that a recount will turn up voter inconsistencies by democrat ballots so this probably not even close to being over. Democrats cannot help but cheat and that will come out.

  2. From reading the facts... the election is at a 1.5% margin, not the .5% margin for recount.

    Considering the military vote, if inconceivably ALL of there votes went to Moore, it would still be only .9%... still no auto recount.

    Looks like if Moore wants a recount, he will have to pay for it himself. Lets see how sure he is about that much voter fraud.

    The fact is that recounts RARELY change election results. I don't think Moore will pay out of pocket considering the odds.

    1. It changed Al Franken’s vote when he was elected.

  3. looking at the result of this election, he should have stepped aside and let a pub win

  4. Guilty until proven innocent. Test grounds for democrats to see what the public will tolerate and it seems to be working. Keep pushing fake rape, bigotry homophobic blah blah. It's non stop pounding on social media and mainstream media. It works. Sick.

  5. Little doubt the voting process is corrupt there like it is here in md.

  6. Now that the election is over, will the accuser's simply go away? How about Gloria All red?

  7. Looks like President Trump was correct again. He supported Luther Strange in the primary against Moore. President Trump said at the time that Moore couldn't win the general election.

  8. Hold on...Alabama has REPEATEDLY elected Republicans the last few cycles...often by overwhelming amounts...yet NOW the election system is broken/rigged...come on guys, find a better argument than that.

  9. Ricky Pollitt is the son for former Wicomico County Executive and he is a paid employee of Gannett and The Daily Times. I just went to his Twitter account and saw that he proudly posted 10, that's right 10 pro-Doug Jones re-Tweets all from Liberal Main Stream Media Twitter accounts. This proves that Ricky Pollitt is a Liberal working for a Liberal news rag who claims to be fair and balanced. Nothing from a conservative site did he post. Nothing positive about Judge Roy Moore, all negative comments pretty much accusing the Judge of being a child molester. The icing on the cake is Ricky Pollitt's final re-Tweet of the Pedophile-in-Chief Bill Clinton himself.

    Ricky Pollitt your job is to post fair and balanced news or sports, but you spoon feed your liberal politics down everyones throats. You are constantly Tweeting about or re-Tweeting Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton.

    Ricky Pollitt you and your politics are a disgrace to America and that is why your Daddy was Spanked in the County election.

    Ricky Pollitt you are a disgrace and you need to be fired immediately. There is a difference in being "accused" and being found guilty. You and your ilk constantly pushed that "accused" agenda until the brain dead idiots you controlled went out and voted against the Judge. Ironically your Boi Billy didn't mention anything about sexual harassment.

    Ricky Pollitt Retweeted

    Jake Tapper‏
    17h17 hours ago

    Jones up by 10,983 votes with 89% of the vote in


    Ricky Pollitt Retweeted

    The Associated Press‏
    17h17 hours ago

    BREAKING: Democrat Doug Jones won election to the U.S. Senate from Alabama in a sharp blow to President Trump that narrows the GOP’s majority in the Senate to two. He beat Roy Moore, a former chief justice of the state Supreme Court who had been accused of sexual misconduct.

    Ricky Pollitt Retweeted

    16h16 hours ago

    Democrat Doug Jones wins Alabama special Senate election in upset victory over Republican Roy Moore, the Associated Press reports

    Ricky Pollitt Retweeted

    The Associated Press‏
    17h17 hours ago

    BREAKING: Democrat Doug Jones wins election as U.S. senator from Alabama. @AP race call at 10:23 p.m. EST. #AlabamaElection #APracecall

    Ricky Pollitt Retweeted

    Jason La Canfora‏
    17h17 hours ago

    Sweet Home Alabama

    Ricky Pollitt Retweeted

    Jake Tapper‏
    17h17 hours ago

    CNN projects: Jones wins Alabama Senate race

    Ricky Pollitt Retweeted

    Tim Kaine‏
    17h17 hours ago

    Congratulations to my friend @GDouglasJones. He'll be a great colleague. President Trump went all in for Roy Moore, but proud Alabamians wisely repudiated their behavior

    Ricky Pollitt Retweeted

    Doug Jones‏
    17h17 hours ago

    Thank you ALABAMA!!

    Ricky Pollitt Retweeted

    Delmarva Now‏
    16h16 hours ago

    Democrat Doug Jones scored a shocking upset in the Alabama Senate race, capturing a Senate seat for Democrats in one of the reddest states in the nation.

    Ricky Pollitt Retweeted

    Bill Clinton‏
    16h16 hours ago

    Congratulations, Doug Jones. You were a great US Attorney, and you ran a terrific campaign. You deserve this win. It’s a win for the people of Alabama.

  10. Anonymous said...
    We all know that a recount will turn up voter inconsistencies by democrat ballots so this probably not even close to being over. Democrats cannot help but cheat and that will come out.

    December 13, 2017 at 10:01 AM

    I'm seeing people posting on Social media that van loads and buses of illegal aliens kept pulling up to the polls. I saw at least one picture posted.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Looks like President Trump was correct again. He supported Luther Strange in the primary against Moore. President Trump said at the time that Moore couldn't win the general election.

    December 13, 2017 at 12:55 PM

    Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. You are just copying what Trump Tweeted today. Trump is just trying to cover his ass for supporting Moore. Trump supported Luther Strange and Trump lost in the Primary. Trump supported Judge Moore in the General and Trump lost again. Trump supported Gillespie in the Virginia Gubernatorial race and he lost. This should be a wake up call for Republicans. Trump is not going to win a second term and the Democrats are going to take the House and Senate in 2018. Mark my words. There is no reason that Republicans didn't come out in droves to win the Presidential, the Virginia Gubernatorial and the Alabama Senate race. If the Republicans would have come out strong they could have kept that seat, but they are DUMB and LAZY!!

    I am not happy with what is happening, but the Democrats run better elections than Republicans do and Republicans are too stupid to learn from them. I am a Republican, but I'm not one of the stupid ones.

    The Democrats play dirty politics, the media plays dirty politics, the RINO's play dirty politics and the Democrats win. Fox News is a disgrace. They didn't support Trump or Moore. There are no news sites out there that supports Republicans so they better wake up! Americans, like Republicans are STUPID and they believe everything the hear or see on TV. Trump lost the Popular Vote and you can bet when the Democrats win the House and Senate they will do away with the Electoral College. Republicans you better wake up.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Hold on...Alabama has REPEATEDLY elected Republicans the last few cycles...often by overwhelming amounts...yet NOW the election system is broken/rigged...come on guys, find a better argument than that.

    December 13, 2017 at 1:20 PM

    For the last 3 Presidential Elections it has been proven over and over again that it is rigged. How many times are we going to allow more people to vote than there are registered votes. You better believe the system is broken and rigged.

    BTW Hillary and the DNC was proven to cheat during the Primary to beat that dumb ass named Bernie and you conveniently forgot about that!!

    Hillary and the DNC thought they could rig it with a certain amount of votes in the General election so that it didn't appear that they cheated, but it just wasn't enough and it has been proven and the RINO's sat on their butts and did nothing but attack President Trump over and over again.


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