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Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Report: Top Hillary Clinton Aides Faced No Charges for False Statements to FBI Agent Peter Strzok

FBI agent Peter Strzok, who was dismissed from FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe for sending anti-Trump texts, conducted interviews with two top Hillary Clinton aides — who did not face consequences for reportedly making misleading statements during the interviews.

The Daily Caller reports that Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin were interviewed by Strzok and said they were not aware of Clinton’s use of a private email server until after Clinton left the State Department.

“Mills did not learn Clinton was using a private server until after Clinton’s [Department of State] tenure,” notes from Mills’ April 9, 2016 interview say, according to the Caller. “Mills stated she was not even sure she knew what a server was at the time.”

Abedin also denied knowing about the server until 2013, but those denials were contradicted by email exchanges in which both aides discuss the Clinton server. In a 2010 email, Mills asks Abedin and another aide if the “server [is] ok?” after Clinton’s emails apparently went down. They were also included in an August 2011 email wherein a State Department official told them that Clinton’s “email server is down.”



  1. Of course they didn't!

  2. What examples of the kind of people Hillary chose and kept close to her!

  3. Kind of like how white people and black people are treated differently?

  4. More like kinda like how rich, powerful people are treated vs the rest of us.
    Time to clean house in all parts of the government. Call it a "RIF" like Nixon used. Reduction in Force.


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