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Wednesday, December 27, 2017



  1. Need to add people who have worked with or for them have died under strange circumstances. Responsible for death of 4 Americans in Bengazi. Classified and secret e-mails sent on her own computer leaked out in cyber space to our enemies. And yet she and husband still free no charges.

  2. HAHAHAHA!!!!

    But it's Comey's fault.

  3. And despite all that Republicans and Donald Trump are still obsessed with her. We'd hardly hear anything about her if it wasn't for blog sites like this one and Trumps daily tweets.

    1. California called and wants you to come home

    2. You can't help talking about the Hilton - she is on TV saying stupid things constantly about President Trump. Yes go back to LA. Deplorable!

  4. Bush sr. was her handler he was kind of exhausted handling Reagan and his Presidency did not go so well. They tossed his dope kid in there and let Cheney and Rumsie handle that moron. She should take up knitting or finger painting like GW and get out of the picture before she blows their entire cover.

  5. On the poster - they forgot..."Killing People"!

  6. 2:57

    You're kidding right?

    The megalomaniac queen kankles can't stay off of the tv. What is she up to now about 28 reasons why she lost the election and not one places blame on the fact that shes absolutely toxic.

  7. She will run again in 2020 per Bilderberger instructions,so forget jail time.

  8. So tired of hearing from a LOSER! She wasn't first, she finished LAST! There is no 2nd WINNER only a LOSER!

    Other countries laugh at us with our obsession with a LOSER. We need to stop!


  9. She thinks she is still relevant.

    Even democrats want her to go away, but she can't stop showing up at every TV interview she can find.

    Look up "loser" in the dictionary.
    Her picture is right there.

    I hope they keep her in the limelight. She is destroying the credibility of the democrats every time she discovers a new reason why she lost. NONE of the reasons are HER fault.
    It was racism. White nationalists (must have been a LOT of them). Russians. Christians. The FBI. Wikileaks. Her staff. Fake news.
    NOT A WORD about why she never campaigned in several states or why she disappeared from the public eye for days at a time while running for President.
    I wish they had filmed her bit*h fit when she realized she didn't get the place in history she though she deserved. Crying, screaming, throwing things, blaming her staff, assaulting her staff, sobbing and writhing on the floor in tearful agony.
    That would be the most viral of all viral's. By far.
    BILLIONS of hits.
    The very end of it would be a shot of CNN announcing (through tears) that Trump is the next President!
    The dustbin of losers. Her place in history. Thank God.


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