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Friday, December 01, 2017

Progressives call on Jews to worry less about Israel and more about Trump

The left’s rising hostility toward Israel has alienated many Jews, but progressives want the Jewish community to put aside its misgivings and present a united front against what they see as a greater threat: President Trump

At a Tuesday night forum called “Antisemitism and the Struggle for Justice,” an unlikely panel of four Israel detractors, led by Palestinian-American activist Linda Sarsour, argued that Jews need to stop labeling foes of Zionism as anti-Semitic and join the left in fighting the Trump administration.

“We are now living under fascism. That’s what I believe, and we need all hands on deck,” Ms. Sarsour told the crowd of about 500 at the event, hosted by the New School in New York City.

Does that mean that progressives are ready to tone down their scathing denunciations of Israel? Not really.

Lina Morales, a coordinator of Jewish Voice for Peace and a self-described “passionate anti-Zionist,” compared Israel to a Netflix series about a fictitious Nazi takeover of America.



  1. As like most highly intelligent people, the Jewish people know that Pres.Trump is all for Israel by just being against Muslims. The Muslim people and their Terrorist Religion hates everyone but themselves. Only fools, Morons, Idiots, and the retarded think Muslims are any good. Our new President is trying to protect us and Israel from these Terrorist killers.

    Like a sticker says at the 911 memorial, "Everything we needed to know about Muslims, we learned on 911" !!!!

  2. Most of us like living under the current government and not the New World Order she advocates for.

  3. Sarsour is an idiot in liberal clothing. Wait, did I repeat myself?


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