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Monday, December 11, 2017

Plasma For Pay: Broke Millennials Sell Blood Just To Survive

There is no doubt, in a period where burdensome student loans and wage stagnation are crushing the hopes of achieving the American dream while living in their parents’ basements, the millennial generation is struggling to survive.

In recent times, we have explained how this generation is selling sex on the internet in exchange for money to pay bills. Across the United States, there could be upwards 2.5 million college students selling sex on a website to cover expenses (see: Millions Of Millennials Could Be Trading Sex For Their Next Debt Payment – Here’s How) or there is a new trend with millennial women, auctioning their virginities to the highest bidder (see: Abu Dhabi Businessman Pays $2.9 Million For 19-Year-Old Model’s Virginity.) If it’s sex, the millennial generation has made it a commodity, using the power of the internet to leverage the sale.

Besides the out of control sex advertisement on creepy websites, struggling millennials are now supplementing their incomes at blood plasma facilities across the United States.



  1. If they channel their lifestyle a little (eliminate $1,000 apple phones) maybe they wouldn't have to sell their bodies.

  2. College students have been selling blood/plasma for generations. This is nothing new. When your funds run out, you use your rights to be creative.

  3. 12:47 yup, every millenial spends $1,000 on a phone.

  4. 123...phone, content, add-ons, accessories, monthly bills. Yes, $1000 is being generous!

  5. You old people are so clueless. Young people rent their phones/cost of phone is subsidized by contract with provider. The only people buying phones are those are smart enough to get an unlocked phone to take ton a no contract provider like straight talk for a $35-45/mo plan.

    1. We old folks don't sell blood for money. We manage our money wisely.

  6. Back in the mid 70's we used to sell our plasma for about $9 per pint to augment our crappy enlisted military pay. In those days, it would pay for a full tank of gas.

  7. Nothing new here...We did this 50 years ago. BAM!!!

  8. 4:49 PM - And we brush, floss and go to bed early.

  9. 340, we older of the oldest buy a real cup of coffee for less than a $1 too! $6 foo foo whip cream is NOT coffee.

    Rent all you want, you will work your entire life, zippy retirement!

  10. 340-You realize you're still PAYING for the phone when you lease it, right? Just paying in monthly increments akin to, a car lease. At the end of the day, you've got nothing to show for what you've paid for. Yes, you get the "new" model when it comes out, but you still don't "get it".

  11. @8:14 you better pray we continue to work so you can collect your benefit check each month! You know that benefit you get from the government called Social Security! We are the ones supplimenting that plan to continue your payments since the government wasted the money you put in!


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