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Friday, December 08, 2017

Pelosi: ‘God Is with Us on This’

Trying her hand at prophesy, the House minority leader is now saying God is siding Democrats in its efforts to attach Deferred Action Against Childhood Arrivals (DACA) legislation to a House budget bill, an issue that may lead a government shutdown.

"We're not backing off anything," Pelosi said Thursday of Democrats' demand that a DREAM Act pass before Congress recess for the year. "We are not going to turn this country into a reign of terror of domestic enforcement, and have the DACA, the DREAMers pay that price."

Pelosi then invoked the Almighty, arguing he's favoring Democrats in the policy squabble.

"But I'm optimistic," she said. "I always have been. God is with us on this. Our country is great. We know that greatness springs from the vitality that newcomers bring to our country."

Here's a transcript:


  1. Coming from the party who has driven God out of our country.

  2. But the real truth is because....newcomers dont have a clue how corrupt the democrat party is!

  3. Dems / Pelosi (not a truthful bone in her body) = LIES

  4. You will know them by the fruit they bear i.e. Abortion

  5. She needs to retire!

  6. "rein of terror of domestic enforcement"? Sounds like she is saying don't enforce our domestic laws for it would cause panic in the streets. What is a place without laws...a no man's land, where anything goes!!

  7. Ask the witch when the last time it was that she went to confession.

  8. Wow she's a real piece of work
    Love all the entertainment


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