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Thursday, December 14, 2017

Parents climb into school bus, encourage daughter to attack girl, police report says

Jamarial, Sara Crawford and Ambrosia Collins charged after assault, police say

A teenage girl and her parents are facing charges after an assault on a student on a school bus, according to a police report.

The school resource officer at Broome High School was called Friday about an incident on a bus that morning. The officer and the principal reviewed surveillance video from the bus and took a statement from the bus driver.

The police report said 17-year-old Ambrosia Collins began yelling at a girl who was in the back of the bus. The driver said Collins continued to yell as she drove her route and Collins then called her mother as the bus made a stop at the skating rink. The driver said when she asked Collins to get off the call, the teen threw her phone and hit the bus window with her hand.

The driver said as she continued to drive her route, she noticed a car following her with its lights on. When she stopped at a turnaround, she motioned the car around the bus, but said Collins mother, Sara Crawford, and stepfather, Jamarial Crawford, suddenly appeared at the bus door. The bus driver said she assumed the parents were going to pick up Collins, so she opened the bus door.



  1. Oh. My. Vibrancy and diversity at its best!!

  2. "She was talkin bout my baby" lol that says alot

  3. If you have ever been to Greenville/Spartanburg you will know this is normal behavior down there.

  4. It just wouldn't be America without idiots like these.

  5. Since BOTH of you are clearly capable of following the bus at a moment's notice.... drive your own dang kid to school!

  6. Americana!!!!! Yeah baby!

  7. And does anyone expect their CHILDREN to grow up knowing how to behave in a civilized society?
    If you've ever wondered why their culture is so degraded, one only has to see this and know it is "normal" in their lives to see why.
    Their kids go to school with your kids and do the same thing to anyone they want. Mostly to other kids who want to learn, and NOT learn how to fight.
    Probably a clip on World Star right now....as if it's something to be proud of....and their momma is bragging about how she put that b***h in her place, jack.
    Fine examples. Keeping it real and all.

  8. Does anyone besides me see a pattern here? Lack of impulse control and no thought of consequences of their actions. Standard pattern and we read or experience it every day. I have diversity fatigue..


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