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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Obama & Hillary "Most Admired" Man & Woman For 10th Year In A Row

Former President Barack Obama is America’s “most admired man” for the 10th consecutive year, according to new survey data from Gallup, and perhaps even more surprising, Hillary Clinton was named the most admired woman for the 16th year in a row.

As Gallupnotes, the pair retain their titles this year, although by much narrower margins than in the past. Obama edges out Donald Trump, 17% to 14%, while Clinton edges out Michelle Obama, 9% to 7%.



  1. Makes me want to throw up. I think this is another example of fake news. This is the same Gallup that said Hillary would easily win the presidency. Why would anyone believe what they have to say now?

  2. Say people who have nothing better to do than respond to polls!

    Get a life.

    1. Says the person responding to people responding to polls. Oh, the irony!😂

  3. A matter of opinion...lol

  4. huh? in what world?

  5. It must be similar to our Metropolitan magazine's "Best XYZ Business on the Shore" Prize. Bought and paid for in full...

  6. This is a left wing target poll it's not accurate because they over sample Democrat's.

  7. Haha love seeing Rednecks squirm in their camo arm chairs

    1. Your mind set is why Trump is in office. However I guess I should thank you considering my new tax break.

    2. I love camo armchairs!

  8. If so why did Trump win?

  9. Must be in SnowFlake world

  10. 10th consecutive year?

    How well was Obama known in 2007? Uh, he didn't run for President till 2008, and he started out as unknown.

  11. If this is even true, it shows how low the values are of liberals we must share the air with.

  12. This must be the same poll people that said Hillary would win by a landslide. Who does these polls and where, at a California and New York soup kitchen, or Democratic headquarters or transgender headquarters??? The few can make a lot of noise and the media will follow them with a camera crew for attention.

    1. No one asked me. Obama and Hillary won't even be on the list. Fake it is like the most sexiest man in the world. By who's standards.

  13. Most admired for what making sure the Russians got $ for our precious metals, collusion, being best friends with people like Al Sharpton, for funneling $ to both of their Foundations from other countries in return for our assets. For letting murderers go free after their term served. For leaking security info to cyber space including our enemies. For people on their staff and friends disappearing and dying of mysterious circumstances. For the murder of 4 Americans in Bengazi. Really wake up dems it's the truth I don't know how either can look at themselves in the mirror.

  14. Most HATED in America !!! Most DESPISED !!!

  15. Guess the Gallop respondents don't vote. Thank God.

  16. Most Admired by Like minded Demon-crats Only !!!!
    They are Toast !!! We taking America Back Again & Making
    it Great Again ........LOL


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