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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

NFL HELL: Ejected Player Tries Charging Stands to Fight Fans

Dumpster fire grows as player behavior spirals out of control

The Seattle Seahawks – Jacksonville Jaguars game turned ugly late after a scuffle on field and near-scuffle between a player and fans.

As Jaguars quarterback Blake Bortles took a knee to run out the clock in the final seconds, two Seahawks defenders hit him late, starting a fracas on the field.

Seahawks defensive tackle Quinton Jefferson was ejected for fighting, and as he made his way into the tunnel, turned back to argue with nearby fans in the stands. As the two parties exchanged words, someone appeared to throw an object on Jefferson, setting Jefferson off. Jefferson tried climbing into the stands to fight the fan, but was stopped by security before the situation escalated.



  1. WWE

    The NFL has become the WWE or World Wide Wrestling . . . with all of the fakeness and silly personalities on display.
    Many many people will be and are happy with this development of the NFL.
    There are those among us who find it distasteful and have in fact stopped following the NFL altogether.
    We simply lost interest.

    But I know that the owners of the NFL know what to do, say, and provide to their customers in order to keep the money flowing.
    And Americans are pretty dumb creatures, don't ya' know?

  2. I will say, I have quit watching NFL Games, but I do catch the re-caps in the morning. After watching this as he is walking to the locker room the first beer is thrown at him and that is why he walks to the fans in the first place then he gets hit by more beer. First problem is Stadiums stop selling beer at the start of the first quarter, where did they get the ones they threw at him? As much as I hate what the kneeling players are doing no one deserves to get beer thrown at them, this all falls back on the Stadium and the Stadium security. They should be the ones held accountable on this incident. In my opinion of course

    1. Who cares. He is a pos criminal and was say racist comments to the fans. Millionaire cry baby with a criminal record that hates our nation, white people and cops. He is very open about it. Your a dummy for watching his games.

  3. no sympathy for any of them...they brought it all on themselves. period

  4. He only stopped walking to the locker when someone threw something. You can say what you want about the players but fans don’t have the right to throw stuff at them. It is the equivalent to being a tough guy online. They think they buy a ticket to the game and they can do what they want since the players can’t touch them.

    1. He kneels for anthems and calls cops pigs. I hope they throw bottles at him everyday.

  5. I am pretty sure no stadium stops selling beer at the start of 1st quarter. Fourth maybe, not first.

  6. The hell with all of them, the players and the fans that attend the games. They all deserve what they get.

  7. Anonymous said...
    He only stopped walking to the locker when someone threw something. You can say what you want about the players but fans don’t have the right to throw stuff at them. It is the equivalent to being a tough guy online. They think they buy a ticket to the game and they can do what they want since the players can’t touch them.

    December 12, 2017 at 6:45 PM

    AWWWW!! You little Butt Flake you must still be Butt Hurt!


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