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Friday, December 08, 2017

Napolitano: Evidence of Clinton's Guilt 'Overwhelming'

Judge Andrew Napolitano on Thursday implored Jeff Sessions to take the case against Hillary Clinton to a grand jury, saying the "evidence of her guilt is overwhelming on espionage."

Napolitano made the comments on Fox News' "Fox and Friends" morning show, adding that the attorney general should make up for the sins committed by former FBI Director James Comey.

"They did go easy on Hillary Clinton," Judge Nap told the Fox News panel. "Jim Comey was profoundly wrong. He was wrong on the facts. He was wrong on the law. He was wrong to make the decision we're not going to prosecute her.

"Jeff Sessions … should re-examine the evidence against Mrs. Clinton, give it to prosecutors and say present it to a grand jury. The evidence of her guilt is overwhelming on espionage," Judge Nap said.

"Now we know the evidence of her guilt in lying to the FBI is overwhelming. All of that should be sent to a grand jury," Judge Nap said.

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