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Friday, December 08, 2017

Mom says 'Sleeping Beauty' should be banned for teaching inappropriate conduct

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) --A mother in England is taking issue with Sleeping Beauty being part of her son's school reading.

The Newcastle Chronicle says mom Sarah Hall feels the book promotes an inappropriate sexual message since it tells children it's okay to kiss a woman while she's asleep.


  1. Better not let him watch TV if he doesn't know the difference between reality and entertainment/fiction.

  2. Looking for her 5 minutes of fame ! Lady it is a fairy tale, teach your children the difference between a fairy tale and real life. If you are raising children who believe fairy tales and fiction depict real life you have more issues than Sleeping Beauty being inappropriate!

  3. Just a prediction , that sex between a man and a woman while be a thing of the past in 10 years.

  4. 5:23. I think you're on to something there.
    But, then my wife apparently already thinks that.

    1. My husband already thinks that!!

  5. It's not a story about sex, or violating a woman, or even kissing. It's a tale of rescue from an evil act.

  6. My God , what's next.
    Now they're attacking
    a fairy tale!

  7. How did this woman ever get a child?

  8. The “prince” looks like a pimp to me.


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